I absolutely adore all things vintage. Every time I walk in a thrift store, I scan the racks for lost treasures. That funky patterned skirt, the odd Corningware mug (or maybe a complete set!), a colorful piece of Pyrex, or an awesome velour "granny chair". I almost always bring home a little something, whether it be a skirt for my future-Etsy-shop stash, a picture to pretty up my home, or a vase to add to my ever growing collection.
Do you love vintage too? Do you have a special piece that made you squeal when you found it? Or a collection of vintage somethings? Let me know, I'd love to hear about your love for vintage!
1. Winter.
I've discovered I really like winter. Fall is still my favorite season, but there's something about the crisp, cold months of the year. They're, refreshing. You get a chance to relax and enjoy the little things.
2. Harry Potter.
Okay, so I know I'm a few years late, but I've finally jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon. Last week I started reading the first book, and I'm hooked. I'm now on book two. This week I've been really sick with a nasty sinus/fever/cough thing. My whole family got it, so there has been lots of laying-on-the-couch-reading tea-drinking being done around here. Which means lots of time to read! :-)
3. Chocolate.
I love chocolate. Toblerone, Almond Joy, M&M's, Peanut Butter Cups, Chocolate Lava Cake's. What's your favorite chocolate-y treat?
4. Shoes.
A girl can't have too many shoes, can she? I've been particularly smitten with these pairs:
one. two. three. four. five. six.
and these in yellow.
Pair # three I would love to wear for graduation, but the heel is just a bit too high to get past the dress code enforcer. :-D
5. Graduation.
I can't believe it. In May I will be graduating high school. I'm so excited!! Some days it seemed like the time would never come, and now it's so close. I've been scouring the internet for a dress, and have found several. Maybe I will do a post of dresses and shoes??
6. A Photo & A Thought.
"Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them." David Hume
Have a lovely week!!
Confession: over the last few weeks i haven't taken many photos. i'll go for days without picking up my camera, or only snap a few shots. i don't know why i've fallen into this funk of sorts. but it's high time i got back in the groove of being a photographer.
so, i signed up for Kim Klassen's photoshop e-course today. i can't wait for it to start! i found out about the e-course through the lovely, talented photographer Ashley Sisk. if you've never looked at her blog, you should head over there right now. she just got her camera one year ago. can you believe that? i can't. her photos are amazing, and her blog is a HUGE inspiration to me. thank you Ashley!
i also wanted to add that Totally Rad Actionsare going to be on a super good sale next Friday, November 26. these actions have been on my wishlist for a long time, and i think now will be a the perfect opportunity for me to buy them.
Happy Friday everybody! Any fun plans for the weekend??
my friend Elizabeth and i were talking about all the blogs we love to read, many being photography blogs. so i thought it would be fun to put together a list of some photographers whose blogs i love. this list is by no means extensive, just a start. :-)
would you leave some links to your favorite photo blogs in the comments? thanks!
today i'm remembering all those who died nine years ago today.
and remembering how blessed i am to have been able to be with little Charlie during his short life on earth.
i'll be having a giveaway next week to raise money for the Gumpy's (see below).
i'm working on a button to advertise it; it would be great if y'all would put it on your blogs! i'll try to get it up soon.
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