2013. A new year! I'm ready for a fresh clean slate... are you?
I've never been one to really make new year's resolutions. It's been more of a nice thought, but never something I put time into. So this year I decided to make a short list of goals. I like goals better than resolutions. I could share a list of things I say I'm determinded to do this year, and then I probably won't do them all the way, or at all. But if I write down my goals for this year, the things that I want to put my effort towards, I think I will get them done. Because goals have an end, a finish line so to speak, I believe you're more likely to stick with them. That light at the end of the tunnel sort of thing. Anyways, here are some goals I have for 2013.
::goals for 2013::
1:: BLOGGING. My goal for this blog is to post consistently, boost my [somehow still exsistant] readership, and have sponsers by the end of the year. With plenty of hard work and devoted blogging, I believe I can do these things. Along with being a photographer, blogging is what I want to do as my "career". I'm excited to learn and grow tons this year!
2:: FITNESS. I strarted running in 2010, and then ran three 5k's in 2011. Last year I didn't run any races (or much at all), and I wish I had. So my fitness goal for this year is to run at least 4 races. 5k's/10k's. Next year maybe I'll tackle a half marathon... maybe. ;)
3:: LEARN. My third goal for this year is to learn/try three new things that I don't know how to do, and also to become good at doing them. I'm not sure yet what those things will be, but it'll be fun to find out!
4:: PHOTOGRAPHY. My photography business thus far has been mostly word-of-mouth, and not really set up at all. This year I'll be working on a website/facebook page/business cards, and my goal is to have done 25 paid shoots by the end of the year. I had originally thought a higher number, but decided to go with 25, and if I do many more than that all the better!
I'll be revisting these goals every once in a while, mostly to refresh myself and see how I'm doing on them. I'd love to hear if you have any goals for 2013!
Happy New Year everybody!!!!
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